Effective February 11, 2020
General information about the Mobie Academy online store
E-commerce services are provided by Mobie Oy (Business ID: 2346592-7) to companies, organizations and other organizations and individuals in Finland and the EU. The prices of the services are quoted including VAT at the applicable tax rate. We reserve the right to change prices and other handling costs.
How to order
As a rule, services are ordered through the Internet at https://www.mobieacademy.fi/. All orders will be confirmed by email indicating the price of the order and the products ordered. In order to receive an order confirmation, you must provide an email address when ordering. Customer agrees to the terms of delivery applicable to each order.
Order confirmation
We will email you a receipt showing you:
- ordered services
- the total amount of the invoice
- the tax share of the order
You can check the content and status of your order through the user account on our site.
Payment options
The services and their handling costs will be paid upon ordering. The following payment methods can be used to pay in the e-shop:
Nordea, Co-operative Bank, Danske Bank, Ålandsbanken, Handelsbanken, S-Bank, Aktia, POP Bank, Savings Bank, Visa (Nets), MasterCard (Nets), American Express (Nets), MobilePay, Collector Bank and My Savings Bank. Payments are made through Paytrail plc’s website.
Payment Service Provider
Paytrail Plc acts as a collecting payment service provider and is an authorized Payment Institution. Paytrail Plc will be shown as the recipient on your bank or credit card statement. Paytrail Plc will forward the payment to the merchant. For reclamations, please contact the website the payment was made to.
Paytrail Plc
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Phone: +358 207 181 830
Business ID 2122839-7
We usually process orders automatically after a successful payment. If automatic order processing is not possible due to the content of the order or for any other reason, the order will be processed by the customer service after the payment is confirmed during normal customer service hours, Mon-Fri from 08:00 to 16:00 UTC+2.
Shipping method and shipping costs
Orders are electronically generated services that are delivered electronically to a customer in connection with order processing.
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to cancel this Agreement within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period shall expire 14 days after the conclusion of the contract.
In order to exercise your right of cancellation, you must notify us (Mobie Oy, Haapaniemenkatu 40 D 2, 70110 Kuopio, +358 45 2559 440, info@mobie.fi) of your decision to cancel the contract unambiguously (for example, by letter or e-mail).
Effects of withdrawal
If you cancel this agreement, we will refund you any payments we receive from you without delay and in any event no later than 14 days after receiving your notice of cancellation. We will issue a refund using the payment method you have used in the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise, and in any event at no cost to you.
If you have requested service before the end of the cancellation period, you must pay us a reasonable fee for the performance of your contract at the time of the notice of cancellation.
The customer confirms that they have read these terms of delivery when placing an order. We reserve the right to change our terms of delivery.
Mobie Oy treats all customer information in strict confidence. Mobie Oy undertakes not to disclose customer information to a third party, except in cases where the provision of the services ordered by the customer requires the disclosure of the information to third parties. More detailed information on the use and application of the Registry can be found in the Registry Description of the Service